Zer05film presents a new short film by the young director Alessandro Daquino. The film, called “Sono sempre stata Chiara” (I have always been clear/Clare) deals with its theme in a modern and fascinating way.
More and more often, we hear about sexual ambiguity and sex change, but here the director talks about it in a particularly refined, subtle, original and even touching manner, digging into childhood memories, in the rapport between father and son that any one of us carries inside.
Based on a novel by Luigi Scardigli, “Dodici mesi per morire” (Twelve months to die), it is admirable for how it can, in just a few minutes, describe so much, expand the time in the listener’s mind. Yes, because this film is also to be listened to. Silences and words embroidered by a music which underlines and even intersects with the story and the feelings of the characters.
Characters played by actors like Valentina Chiarugi, Italo Dall'Orto and Luigi Scardigli himself who, with the staging of Lorenzo Vannucci and under the direction of Daquino, give the best of themselves in a few expressions and lines that tell everything.
The music, as mentioned, consists of two original pieces taken from the album “Just for You” (record label company: Italian Way Music) by the pianist John Toso and the saxophonist Mirko Fait.
“Painting Dreams” and “Misunderstandings”, like this short movie, are unique through their smoothness and expressive intensity.
“Sono sempre stata Chiara”, in the end, is a refined little work of art which deserves to be seen.
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